Slower Traffic Keep Right Driver

In New York State, slower traffic is directed to the right lane, and passing traffic is directed to the left lane (or middle, if there is one). Emergency vehicles NEVER pass civilian traffic on the. (a) Notwithstanding the prima facie speed limits, any vehicle proceeding upon a highway at a speed less than the normal speed of traffic moving in the same direction at such time shall be driven in the right-hand lane for traffic or as close as practicable to the right-hand edge or curb, except when overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction or when preparing for a left turn at an intersection or into a private road or driveway.


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The Arkansas Department of Transportation (ARDOT) is installing signs saying 'State Law: Slower Traffic Keep Right' across the state. This is part of an effort to remind drivers about the law that. Slower traffic staying to the right keeps everyone safer. There are laws in every state limiting the use of the left lane because of this. Maryland state law says you must keep right if you’re driving 10 mph under the speed limit or if you’re slower than the speed of traffic if conditions require lower speeds. It's true, there are some 'Slower Traffic Move Right' signs on our roads, but there is no general state law requiring slower traffic to drive in the right lane. When driving on the Interstate highways in outstate Minnesota, better driving practices and courtesy should compel most people to drive in the right lane.

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Slower Traffic Keep Right DriverWhat does this sign mean drivers ed
What is the minimun age at which you can get a Class C drivers license without either driver education or being a hardship case?
How much is the maximum fine for a first conviction of driving without a license?
What type of restrictions may be places on your license?
restrictions to improve driving
in what direction should you turn your what direction should you point wheels when parking uphill with out a curb?
to the right.
What action should you take if you fail to receive the renewal notice card reminding you that your driver license is about to expire?
Renew your license even if you do not receive notice.
On a one-way street what color is the broken lane marker?
Describe the Yield Sign.
red and white equallateral triangle
What does a Narrow Bridge sign look like and how should the driver react when he sees one?
an hour glass. slow down and use caution
What is the shape of a keep right sign and how should the driver react when he sees one?
rectangle. slow down and keep right
which sign tells you to slow down because you are approaching a double curve?
the arrow with two curbs. yello and diagnal square.
what does a do not pass sign mean?
The distance you can see ahead is so limited that passing is so hazardous that you may not pass.
Which sign tells you to keep in the right-hand lane when driving slow?
white rectangle. says slower traffic keep right
what does yield right of way mean?
means you let a person go first
Describe the equipment required on passenger cars by state law.
Brakes (foot brake and parking brake, Lights (2 headlights, 2 tail lights, brake lights, turn signals, license plate light, parking lights)
Horn, Muffler, Safety glass, License plates, Windshield wiper, rearview mirror, front seat belts
tires with tread depth of at least 2/32nds of an inch, fuel cap
What is the purpose of the exhaust emission system?
to reduce air pollution
Describe the types of equipment wich texas state law specifically forbids on passenger cars driven within the state.
a red light showing from the front, a bell, siren, or exhaust whistle, a muffler cutout, anything extending more than three inches beyond the left side or six inches beyond the right side or the body, running board or fenders of your car,flashing red lights on the front
How should you react when a traffic officer tells you to do something wich is ordinarily considered to be against the law?
you must obey them at all times
Once the breaks have been applied about how many feet does a car which was going 70 mph trabvel before it comes to a stop?
387 ft
when is it necessary to stop before proceeding when you overtake a school bus loading or unloading children?
when its light are flashing
about how many feet will the average driver going 50 mph travel form the moment he sees danger until he hits the brakes?
110 ft
within how many feet of a crosswalk may you park when parking near a corner?
cant park within 20 feet
what is the state speed limit for automobiles in urban districts?
30 mph
does a posted speed limit of 55 mph mean that you may drive 55 mph on that highway under all conditions?
no, depends on weather, and traffic.
you should never drive on the left half of the roadway when you are within how many feet form an intersection, bridge, or railroad crossing?
100 ft
what should you do when you discover that you are in the wrong lane to make a turn as you enter the intersection?
not turn but continue straight ahead.
when two cars meet at the intersection of a two-lane road with a four lane road which one must yield the right of way?
the car from the 2 lane road
if you are driving and hear a siren coming, what should you do?
yield the right of way by pulling to the right edge of the roadway and stop.
what is the first thing that should be done when a car starts to skid?
turn wheel in direction of skid
at what time of the day should your headlights be turned on?
one-half hour after sunset to one-half hour before sunrise, and any time persons or vehicles cannot be seen clearly for at least 1,000 feet.
under what conditions may your drivder's license be suspended?
pgs 1-19 to 1-22
what is carbon monoxide and how may it be harmful to drivers?
it is a deadly gass, and it could kill you.
describe wath ou should do when you have a blowout while driving?
Don't slam on the brakes.Take your foot off the gas and gently apply the brakes.Steer straight ahead to a stop.
what should you do when driving down a steep grade in a car with standard transmission?
Use a low gear to help slow your car down
what should you do if you damage an unattended vehicle?
stop and locate the operator or ownergive them your info or give written notice.
when are accident reports required?
when a crash is not investigated by a law enforcement offiver and crash resulted in death or damage to property to an extent of $1000 or more.
if you are required to show proof of infancial responsibility for the future, how many years must such proof be kept up?
two yrs
what type of sign watns you to watch right and left for cross traffic?
yellow diamond sign with a cross in the middle
Describe the emblem which identifies vehicles which travel at speeds of 25 mph or less.
it is red, and like an upside down diamond, or superman logo.
in which gear should you drive when going down a steep hill?
low gear
what qualifications must one have to teach a beginner to drive?
You must be at least 21 and have at least one year of driving experience.
if the preson is under 18 when does his provisional license expire?
next bday after license is given
when parked parallel, your curb side wheels should be no more than how many inches from the curb?
18 inches
when following another car, what is a good rule to determine the distance at which you should follow behind?
stay 2 seconds behind. 4 in bad weather
to what agency and within what time period must a change of address be reported for driver licensing purposes?
Texas Department of Public Safety Driver License Office within 30 days
what effect does the use of marijuana and amphetamine have on driving?
affects concentration, judgement, and sensory and perceptual skills.
what is the penalty for being convicted of driving while intoxicated?
1st offense: fine up to $2,000; jail time 72 hours to 180 days; license suspension 90 to 365 days
2nd offense: fine up to $4,000; jail time 30 days to 1 year; license suspension 180 days to 2 years
3rd offense: fine up to $10,000; prison time 2 to 10 years; license suspension 180 days to 2 years
what does a green arrow showing with a red light mean?
Proceed carefully in the direction of the arrow after yielding the right-of-way to other vehicles and pedestrians.
how should you react to a flashing red light?
Stop completely before entering the crosswalk or intersection, then proceed when you can do so safely
wich sign tells you to watch out for for a train?
white X that says Railroad crossing
describe the sign which warns you to slow down for a winding road.
yellow diamond with curvy arrow
what sign indicated that the road that you are on merges with another?
straight arrow next to curve arrow
what kind of sign warns you that the highest safe speed for the turn ahead is 25 mph?
yellow diamond with arrow and yellow square underneath that says 25 mph
describe the sign that tells you to watch for cross traffic ahead.
yellow diamond with cross
what type of sign warns you that you should slow down for a sharp rise in the roadway?
yellow diamond 'BUMP'
describe the type of sign which would let you know that you were on a short state highway in a city or urban area.
white square. ex 'Loop 290'
what is the maximum number of inches that you may lawfully allow an object to extend beyond the left fender of your car?
3 inches
under what conditions must you always stop?
when a school bus is flashing its lights, exiting a private road or driveway, an approaching train, at a red light, at a stop sign
what should you do when coming onto a street form a private alley or driveway?
yield the right of way to all approaching behicles and pedestrians
if a child runs into the road 45-50 feet ahead of your car, what is the highest speed from which you can stop with good breaks without hitting him?
less than 20 mph
how close to a fireplug may a vehicle lawfully park?
no less than 15 feet
what does a posted speed limit of 55 mph mean?
maximun speed is 55
what is the maximum speed limit for passenger cars on texas highways numbered by this state or US outside an urban district?
70 pmh
under what circumstances should you never attempt to pass a car ahead of you?
in a no passing zone
under what conditions are overtaking and passing to the right not permitted?
when passing another vehicle on a two or three-lane street, driving on a one way street, when the right half of the road is blocked.
when a driver is waiting to make a left turn, what is the procedure he should take when the light turns green?
look in all directions before starting to turn, stay to right of way to any vehicle approaching opposite direction, conple the turn to the right of centerline of road.
what precautions should a driver take at uncontrolled intersections?
yield the rightaway to any vehicle which has enterd the intersection on your right or approching from the right, make sure there are no approaching vehicles form the left.
what regulations should a bicycle rider observe?
All traffic laws, signs and signals
under what conditions should headlights be used?
one-half hour after sunset to one-half hour before sunrise, and any time persons or vehicles cannot be seen clearly for at least 1,000 feet.
you should dim your light when you are within how many feet of an approaching car?
500 ft
waht type of lighting should cars use when parked on the highway at night?
parking lights or low beam headlights
which lights should you use when you are driving in a fog?
low beam headlights
when are you required to show proof of financial responsibility?
to law enforcement officer, or to another person involved in crash.
when needed, how may one show proof of financial responsibility?
An insurance policy in the minimum amounts
A proof of insurance form
An insurance binder
A certificate from the state comptroller or the county judge showing you have at least $55,000 on deposit
A surety bond issued by the Department of Public Safety
A certificate from the DPS showing you have more than 25 vehicles registered in your name and qualify as a self-insurer.
what sign warns you that you must slow down?
flashing yellow light
what circumstances may lead to possible loss of your license?
DWI, etc
in addition to mufflers what new equipment is required on all cars manufactured in 1968 and after?
emission system
why are seat belts important?
help to keep you from being thrown form your car, hiting dashboard to hard
what is meant by 'defensive driving'?
ways to abvoid crashes. Be a cautious driver, stay alert and look for trouble.
what are the different classes of licenses and age requirements for each?

Class A, for vehicles or combination of vehicles over 26,000 pounds: 18, (17 with drivers ed) Class B, for single vehicles over 26,000 pounds and buses: 18 (17 with drivers ed) Class C, for ordinary cars and light trucks (i.e. not Class A or B vehicles): 18, 16 with drivers ed, 15 with hardship application Class M, for motorcycles, 18, 16 with drivers ed; for mopeds 15

when is a bicyclist not required to ride to the right of the roadway?
When moving slower than the other traffic on the roadway
when are bicyclist allowed to ride two avreast in a traffic lane?
When they do not impede the normal and reasonable flow of traffic on the roadway
what are the three most common motorist caused car-bicycle crashes?
1. Motorist turning left into oncoming bicycle traffic; 2. Motorist turning right across path of bicycle traffic; 3. Motorist pulling away from stop sigh failing to yield to bicycle cross traffic.
what are the penalties for minors (under 21) convited of DUI?
fine up to $500, 20-40 hrs of community service, alcohol awareness class, suspended DL for 120 days.
what are penalties for minor (under 21) convicted of nondriving alcohol related offenses?
fine up to $500, 8-12 hrs community service, alcohol awareness class, DL suspention for 30 days
A car passes a slower moving truck, using a passing lane on the A2 motorway in Slovenia

A passing lane (North American English) or overtaking lane (English outside of North America) is a lane on a multi-lane highway or motorway closest to the median of the road (the central reservation). In some countries, lanes are described as being on the 'inside' or the 'outside' of a road, and the location of the passing lanes will vary.

In modern traffic planning, passing lanes on freeways are usually designed for through/express traffic, while the lanes furthest from the median of the road have entry/exit ramps. However due to routing constraints, some freeways may have ramps exiting from the passing lane; these are known as 'left exits' in North America.

A passing lane is commonly referred to as a 'fast lane' because it is often used for extended periods of time for through traffic or fast traffic. In theory, a passing lane should be used only for passing, thus allowing, even on a road with only two lanes in each direction, motorists to travel at their own pace.

A 2+1 road has a passing lane only in one direction, usually alternating each few kilometers. In practice, they are more like upgraded highways than motorways.

Misuse and common practice in the United States[edit]

An SUV prepares to pass a slower moving car, using a passing lane in rural Utah

Common practice and most law on United States highways is that the left lane is reserved for passing and faster moving traffic, and that traffic using the left lane must yield to traffic wishing to overtake.

The United States Uniform Vehicle Code states:

Upon all roadways any vehicle proceeding at less than the normal speed of traffic at the time and place and under the conditions then existing shall be driven in the right-hand lane then available for traffic ...

It is also illegal in many states in the US to use the 'far left' or passing lane on a major highway as a traveling lane (as opposed to passing), or to fail to yield to faster moving traffic that is attempting to overtake in that lane. For example, Colorado's 'Left Lane Law' states:

A person shall not drive a motor vehicle in the passing lane of a highway if the speed-limit is sixty-five miles per hour

or more unless such person is passing other motor-vehicles that are in a non-passing lane...[1]

In some states, such as Maine,[2] Massachusetts,[3] Missouri,[4] Montana,[5] New Jersey,[6] and Washington,[7] the center lanes on highways with three or more lanes in each direction are also passing lanes. In those states, no matter how many lanes there are on the highway, drivers must not leave the right-hand lane unless they are overtaking slower vehicles, making a left turn or exit, or obeying a move over law.

In California, at least, there is no prohibition against cruising in the left lane. However, similar to the states below, slow traffic must stay right.

In other states, such as Massachusetts,[8] New Jersey,[9] Illinois,[10] Pennsylvania,[11] and others,[12] it is illegal to fail to yield to traffic that seeks to overtake in the left lane, or to create any other 'obstruction' in the passing lane that hinders the flow of traffic. As a result, heavy trucks are often prohibited from using the passing lane.

The left lane is commonly referred to as the 'fast lane', but that is not an accurate description of the lane's purpose. The left lane is the designated passing lane, however, vehicles in the left lane must obey the posted speed limits. A common problem arising from misuse of the left lane is speeding and tailgating. These actions create road rage and increase overall danger.

A driver hoping to pass a slow motorist in the 'fast lane' can be stuck in an awkward situation. One strategy is to signal a lane change toward the center median. Another is to flash headlights. A third, which is dangerous and illegal, is to drive very close to the 'fast lane' driver's bumper (this is known as tailgating).

Most commonly, motorists will attempt to overtake the outer car on the inner lane either to continue at a fast pace or to pass a car that is going too slowly in the passing lane. On high-capacity multilane freeways (three or more lanes per direction), many motorists often pass on the inner lane, largely in response to misuse of the 'passing lane' by slower traffic.[citation needed]

In some areas, such as the U.S. states of Colorado and Kentucky, vehicles in the left lane are required to yield to faster traffic only if the speed limit is above 65 miles per hour. In other areas, like Alaska, there is no law requiring slower traffic to move over for faster traffic.[12]

A map of the United States showing the lane discipline laws of each state.[13]


A sign indicating that all vehicles shall be driven only in the right-hand lane unless overtaking slower vehicles.

The use of passing lanes for faster traffic is sometimes acknowledged with signs using phrases such as 'Slower Traffic Keep Right'[14] (in Canada, where the passing lane is to the left). In a study by the AASHTO Subcommittee on Traffic Engineering, all 24 U.S. states involved used some form of passing lane courtesy signage, 9 of which only use those signs for steep graded roads.[15]

Proper use[edit]

Many areas which make it illegal to fail to yield to faster traffic also have exceptions to those rules. Some of these exceptions include preparing to make a left turn, taking an exit located on the left side of the roadway, avoiding traffic merging onto the roadway, or overtaking and passing another vehicle.

In the province of Quebec, it is illegal to travel in the left lane when not passing when the speed limit is over 80 km/h (50 mph).[16]

In the province of Ontario, unless otherwise posted, the left lane on a multi-lane highway is not reserved for passing or to give motorists a special lane to violate the speed limit. Only vehicles traveling less than the posted speed limit are required to stay in the right most lane. Passing on the right is perfectly legal in Ontario on multi-lane highways.

Truckers often use the passing lane in moderate traffic where legal to do so to reduce travel times, however in many areas, tractor trailers are banned from using the passing lane for safety reasons; these restrictions are normally found along urban, often congested highways with multiple lanes (e.g. Interstate 40 west of Raleigh, North Carolina), or on rural freeways with 6 or more lanes (3 in each direction).

Slower Traffic Keep Right Driver

Hammer lane[edit]

The hammer lane is another term for the passing lane. Its etymology originated with truckers in North America in reference to slamming the accelerator with a foot like hammer.)[citation needed]

HOV lanes are not usually considered hammer lanes, but are also used for express travel by commuters.

Climbing lane[edit]

A sign directing slower traffic to remain in the right-hand lane.

In hilly terrain, some undivided highways are built with three lanes, with the extra added pavement known as the 'climbing lane' or 'crawler lane'. Two lanes are used for traffic heading in the uphill direction, with one lane being a passing or climbing lane, and one lane is used for downhill traffic. On dual carriageways, the climbing lane may be marked with a broken double white line.

Australian use[edit]

In Australia, most intercity highways are constructed with only one lane in each direction. Head-on collisions are a risk, particularly with fatigued drivers. Overtaking lanes are an additional lane in one direction for a short distance (one or two kilometres) to assist faster traffic to safely overtake slower traffic. Road markings are often painted so that the additional lane appears in the centre of the road (guiding traffic to the left), and traffic needs to deliberately change lanes to overtake. At the end, the markings are the other way, so that the left lane must yield and merge into the overtaking lane. Large signs alert drivers that they are approaching an overtaking lane, often at 5 km and 1 km distances before the lane starts.

Cultural references[edit]

What Does This Sign Mean Slower Traffic Keep Right

  • Fast Lane, an arcade game
  • Life in the Fast Lane, a song by the Eagles
  • Jones in the Fast Lane, 1990 MS-DOS based game


  1. ^[1]Archived September 29, 2007, at the Wayback Machine
  2. ^'Title 29-A, §2052: Divided highways'. Retrieved 2018-09-23.
  3. ^'General Law - Part I, Title XIV, Chapter 89, Section 4B'. Retrieved 2018-09-23.
  4. ^'304.015'. Retrieved 2018-09-23.
  5. ^'61-8-321. Drive on right side of roadway -- exceptions, MCA'. Retrieved 2018-09-23.
  6. ^'2013 New Jersey Revised Statutes :: Title 39 - MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC REGULATION :: Section 39:4-88 - Traffic on marked lanes'. Justia Law. Retrieved 2018-09-23.
  7. ^'Chapter 46.61 RCW: RULES OF THE ROAD'. Retrieved 2018-09-23.
  8. ^'General Laws'.
  9. ^New Jersey Permanent Statutes Database
  10. ^Illinois Compiled Statutes
  11. ^'Title 75'. The official website for the Pennsylvania General Assembly.
  12. ^ ab'State 'keep right' laws'.
  13. ^'State 'keep right' laws'. Retrieved 2019-08-24.
  14. ^You can drive on the left lane as long as you go fast Alberta, Canada Government - Road Signs (Slower Traffic Keep Right)
  15. ^AASHTO Subcommittee on Traffic Engineering: Passing Lane StudyArchived 2006-08-18 at the Wayback Machine
  16. ^

Slower Traffic Keep Right Sign Drivers Ed

External links[edit]

What Does This Sign Mean Drivers Ed

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